Welcome, and thank you for visiting the home for some of my ideas, thoughts and feelings, expressed in words and photos. This section is about my photography, which can be seen in the galleries.
I’ve been taking photos since I was 9, when I was given a camera by my grandfather who’d acquired it by some mysterious means (I suspect an illicit bet) and didn’t know what else to do with it. I studied the instruction book and learned how to use it, and started taking photos of things around me at home and through the window. Anything that caught my attention, for reasons I often couldn’t explain or understand.
My photographic thinking hasn’t changed a great deal since then.
I still take photos of whatever catches my eye. I don’t want to create a new thing when I take a photo. I don’t want to beautify anything. I want to record an existing thing so that I can look at it again later.
Some are old, some new. And I’ll be adding and changing them regularly.
I don’t arrange most of them thematically unless there’s an obvious reason to do so. They’re mostly one-off, stand alone photos, but all connected by the fact that they come from whatever impulse it is that makes me want to record a thing I’m looking at.
I do hope that you might enjoy looking too.
Thank you for visiting